
Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Will Jimmy Survive The Eggcelent Egg.

"It will mack it"It is going to crack" THREE! TWO! ONE! Ohhh!
Hello and welcome back Bloggers,
Today I am posting a blog on a slideshow about STEM. I worked with a group of 5 me Ava Tilly Alexie and Honey, we put our heads together, and this slide shows what we made. We designed something that would stop our egg from cracking it was around a three-meter drop. On the last slide, you will find a video showing you what happened. We named our egg Jimmy Netron the 3rd. Credit to Tilly r.a Alexie s Honey c and Ava r thanks for reading listing or watching.
Kind regards.


Friday, May 7, 2021

Amazing Adatations

 Hello bloggers, And welcome back,

Today I am posting a google document on Adaptations. In Literacy, we got given four questions to answer and most of the time I used an example. Credits to Te Ara sites, scroll down on the site and it will give you a link to the Te Ara site. What is your favorite bird? Do you like birds? What do you know about Adaptations? Thank you for reading Listening or Watching. Cya next time Bloggers.


Thursday, May 6, 2021

Amazing Aladdin

 Hello and welcome back bloggers 

Today I am posting a blog on Pixel art this is a pixel art of Jasmine from Aladdin. I did this as work on the production. I tried to focus on details and this is how it came out, I hope you enjoy it. Who is your favorite character in Aladdin? Is there anything I can change? Credit to Pixel art which is where I created this Thank you for reading.
