
Friday, September 25, 2020

Reflective Reading Answers


                                                       Welcome back, bloggers.
 Today I am posting a reading slideshow of the questions and answers from my reading slide. It is still a work in progress and I work in Mrs A Litracy group so she found/made all the questiones. Is there anything that I missed? Do you think that I answered the questions right? Have you done this task before? Or Does this look completely different from your work? Please comment your answers down below it would mean a lot to me. Credit to me and my teacher Mrs A, Thank you for reading and watching.
                                                               Kind regards Lp

Friday, September 4, 2020

Creative KA reading

Hello again bloggers today I am posting a slideshow on my reading about whirlpools my next blog post will be my answers to the create slide and any other questions that are on this slide my Literacy teacher (Mrs A) made this slideshow so do not give credit to me Do you like the slideshow? is there anything I missed? please comment your answers down below thank you for reading and bye for now.

Fabulous 3d Printing


Hello again Bloogers!!! It is me Lily-piper and today I am posting an slideshow on my 2nd inquary group, 3d printing as you know our year theme is relationships and term theme is digatal tecnolagy on 3d printing me Tilly Ellie and Eva made the fomb it is a fork/Comb small device with a keyring it is super helpful. we made a Advertisement, Poster, Logo and song all for the Fomb. Do you like the fomb? Is there anything we could have changed? What do you think we should do next with the fomb? Please comment your answers down below. Thank you for reading and bye for now